How to setup Cursor on Ubuntu

I am a huge fan of Cursor. The time I gained coding with it is tremendous. However, when you have several laptops / stations to manage, it can be boring to set ip up each time so I made a setup just for that.
How it works:
We download the latest version of Cursor from the official source and change permissions so it’s executable, it will give us an AppImage.
We now have to build an entry for Cursor to be considered as a Desktop App, so we will build the adequate cursor.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Cursor IDE
This file will be used by Ubuntu to register cursor.AppImage as a full Application, accessible from the dock or Activities menu.
Here is the repository where the script doing all this is stored, along with a Cursor Icon.
The one liner to do all those steps :
bash <(curl -s
PS: I didn’t find a better way to do this, but if you have one, please comment it so it can help other users 🙏